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28 June, 2018

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Wings of Fire is a fantasy novel series by Tui T. Sutherland. With the exception of Legends, each arc of the series is five books long and each one features different characters' points of view. As of now, the series consists of two complete arcs with a new one coming out June 26, 2018. A sub-series called Legends, focuses on adding world history and back story to historical characters, and the ebook short-stories Winglets, focuses on adding back story to secondary characters.

The book involves seven different tribes of dragons, the MudWings, IceWings, SeaWings, NightWings, RainWings, SkyWings, and SandWings in the first two arcs; in the third arc, three new tribes from another content are introduced: SilkWings, HiveWings, and LeafWings.

The plot of the first five books from the first arc revolves around five young dragonets prophesied by the NightWing tribe to end the war for the SandWing tribe's throne. The plot of the second five books revolves around another prophecy and the Jade Winglet, a group of students attending Jade Mountain Academy (a school founded by the original five dragonets), one of whom prophesied the collapse of Jade Mountain.

The series is currently being converted to a graphic novel format, beginning with The Dragonet Prophecy. Currently, a total of seventeen books have been released: two mainstream arcs of five books each, four Winglets, the paperback collection of the first three Winglets, one Legends, and the graphic novel of the first book.

Video Wings of Fire (book series)




A prequel in the series was published on June 28, 2016. It tells the story about the character of Darkstalker from the second arc, and is set roughly 2000 years before the events of the first series. It shows the perspective of several different characters, including Darkstalker, Fathom, Indigo, and Clearsight.



Set between the events of The Brightest Night and Moon Rising, this Winglet focuses on Fierceteeth writing letters trying to convince her prison guard, a SandWing known as Saguaro, to let her go free and join her in overthrowing Queen Glory and Queen Thorn; before the guard frees her and Strongwings, she writes a series of letters to the guard that goes into life before the Dragonets of Destiny hatched.


Set years before the events of The Dragonet Prophecy, this winglet focuses on Deathbringer's childhood, and how he was raised by his mother Quickstrike to be the best assassin he could be, an order from Queen Battlewinner and Morrowseer, telling him to always put his missions before anything else, until Quickstrike is killed, and he breaks his vow, saying he will put anyone else he loves before his mission in the future, revealing why he didn't assassinate Glory, and her friends, even though it was his mission.


This Winglet is set during the reign of Queen Oasis and the moments after her death, focusing on the early life of Six-Claws and Dune as they served Queen Oasis, then Princess Burn during the war until she crippled Dune, and they flee to The Scorpion Den with a SandWing healer, Kindle. Deathbringer played a role in their leaving, as a part of his second mission assigned at the end of Assassin to infiltrate Burn's camp.


This Winglet is set between the events of the Prologue and Chapter 1 of Legends: Darkstalker, showing how Prince Arctic escaped the Ice Kingdom with the NightWing visitors. It is revealed Arctic's act of injuring Snowflake, his would be wife, was a major reason for the war between the IceWings and the NightWings in Legends: Darkstalker, in addition to the misunderstanding that Arctic was kidnapped by the NightWings, not willingly left with them.

Arc 1: The Dragonet Prophecy

The Dragonet Prophecy

The first book in the series, published July 1, 2012, is written in third-person from the view of Clay, and mostly revolves around the dragonets leaving their cave, and meeting the SkyWings.

A war is going on between the seven dragon tribes over who will take the throne of the SandWings. A dragon named Morrowseer has a prophecy that five dragonets from different tribes will end the war. The dragonets (Clay, Tsunami, Glory, Starflight, and Sunny) are raised in a cave under a mountain by three guardians (Kestrel, Dune, and Webs), part of the organization trying to end the war, the Talons of Peace. One day, Morrowseer arrives. He approves of Clay, Tsunami, and Starflight, but is uncertain of Sunny, and hates Glory, because she is a RainWing, and not part of his prophecy, which called for a SkyWing. Morrowseer leaves after having a private discussion with the dragonets' guardians. The guardians chain Tsunami to a stalactite, and retreat to their cave, where Clay eavesdrops on them planning to kill Glory and replace her. Clay returns to the dragonets and they make a plan to escape. Clay travels down the underground river until he encounters some kind of acid, and is knocked unconscious. Tsunami rescues him, having escaped her chains using Starflight and Sunny's fire. Once outside, the two dragonets encounter a scavenger carrying treasure, but a SkyWing appears to claim it, declaring that she is Queen Scarlet. She tries to take them captive, but they flee, and navigate back to the cave. Just as Clay opens the door from outside, Queen Scarlet reappears with a Skywing army, kills Dune, and they are taken to the SkyWing arena. There, Clay meets Peril, a dragon with fire-hot scales, who is also Queen Scarlet's champion. Clay fights an Icewing named Fjord in the arena, but Fjord is killed by some mysterious black acid that eats away at his scales. Peril is set to fight for her mother, (which she finds out is Kestrel's) freedom. Clay, Tsunami, and Starflight try to escape, but Peril betrays them. The next day, Tsunami is forced to fight in the arena, first against an insane SeaWing named Gill, then against Starflight. When they refuse, Queen Scarlet releases successively more dangerous creatures into the arena, finally planning to have them fight all of the Icewing prisoners. Before the fight begins, a group of Nightwings descend from the sky and kill all the Icewings, rescue Starflight, and leave the Dragonets with only four left to escape. Glory attacks Queen Scarlet using the mysterious venom, which is shot from her fangs, and Peril frees Clay, along with his friends and Kestrel. Both Kestrel and Clay offer Peril the chance to accompany them on their journey, but Peril refuses, opting to remain in the Sky Kingdom. The dragonets travel to the Mud Kingdom to find Clay's parents, and discover that Clay's mother sold him to the Talons of Peace. Clay meets his siblings, who offer to let him join them, but Clay chooses to stay with his friends instead. They decide to head towards the Sea Kingdom in hope of finding safety there with Queen Coral. In the epilogue, Kestrel is killed by Morroweer and Blister, one of the SandWing successors fighting for the throne.

The Lost Heir

The second book in the series, published January 1, 2013, is written from the view of Tsunami. It is set in the Kingdom of the Sea.

The book opens with the dragonets resting on a beach that borders the Kingdom of the Sea. A patrol of SkyWings passes, and the dragonets quickly hide. One of the SkyWings pauses, and Tsunami, thinking that they had been spotted, attacks. Clay joins in the fight and not long after, the SkyWing passes out. Four days later, the dragonets spend the night on an island on the Bay of a Thousand Scales. Tsunami decides to explore, and dives into the sea, where she meets another SeaWing. The Seawing tries to communicate using his glowing stripes, but Tsunami doesn't understand, and the two of them swim to the surface. The Seawing then spots Clay, who he mistakes for an enemy MudWing, and begins to attack him. Tsunami stops him and tells him that they are the Dragonets of Destiny, and learns that the dragon's name is Riptide. Riptide tells her that her markings show she is royalty, and that she must be the missing princess, who was stolen as an egg. The dragonets decide to go to the SeaWing summer palace with Riptide, where they meet Queen Coral and Tsunami's sister, named Anemone. Anemone is kept on a harness attached to the Queen to protect her. Tsunami explains that they are the Dragonets of Destiny and introduces her friends. but the queen orders that all except Tsunami be put under guard. Queen Coral then shows Tsunami her library where she meets a dragon called Whirlpool. Another dragon appears and tells the queen that there is a dead SkyWing on an island not far from the palace. They go to investigate, and Tsunami realizes the dead dragon is Kestrel, one of her guardians, but doesn't tell Queen Coral. The next morning, Coral takes Tsunami and Anemone to the Council meeting. The council discusses a rescue mission for Gill, the dragon Tsunami killed in the arena, and she learns that Gill was her father. Tsunami also begins taking Aquatic, first with Whirlpool, where she doesn't learn anything, then with Riptide. On her way back to the palace, she is attacked by an unknown dragon. She tells her mother and the council heads to the deep palace to check on the royal eggs, where they find one of the eggs shattered on the floor. Tsunami takes the remaining female egg and swears to protect it. She then goes to find and release her friends, and spends the night with them. During breakfast the next morning, the dragonets, along with Blister and Queen Coral, discuss Kestrel's death, and Blister asks Coral to show her how the "secret weapon," Anemone, is coming along. Tsunami learns that Anemone is an animus dragon, with the power to enchant objects to do her bidding.

Blister finds Webs, one of the dragonets guardians, spying on them. Queen Coral tries to kill him, but Tsunami and Clay save him, lying that he might have useful information. When Webs wakes up, Queen Coral interrogates him but doesn't get any useful information. A dragon brings in Riptide, and claims he was found outside the palace, and Tsunami admits she has been taking Aquatic lessons from him. Coral thinks he has been working for the Talons of Peace, and Blister latches on to the idea, saying Riptide might have been working with Webs to kill heirs to the throne. Tsunami realizes Blister wants Webs dead. Later, Tsunami is in the royal hatchery when she overhears something moving, and a statue of Orca attacks her. She traps the statue, which she realizes is animus enchanted, and escapes with the egg, which Tsunami names Auklet. Queen Coral has the statue destroyed, but when the dragonets try to leave, Coral imprisons them. Anemone visits them, saying she enchanted a spear to find Tsunami's attacker, who turns out to be Whirlpool. Whirlpool tries to kill Tsunami again, but Anemone accidentally kills him, allowing the dragonets to escape and free Riptide and Webs. A MudWing named Crocodile appears, and claims he followed Webs to the palace and brought an attack from Burn's army. Glory kills Crocodile with her venom, but Blister catches them escaping and stabs Webs with her tail. The dragonets decide to take Webs to the Rainforest Kingdom, as they may know how to treat poison.

The Hidden Kingdom

The third book in the series, published May 28, 2013, is written from the view of Glory. The book is mostly set in the Rainforest Kingdom and the Night Kingdom. The story follows Glory and the other dragonets as they attempt to find out why RainWings are going missing. Glory is thrilled about finally going home, even if they are only returning to heal Webs, their former guardian. The dragonets (Glory, Sunny, Clay, Starflight and Tsunami) believe that the RainWings will be able to heal venom, since one of the RainWing abilities is to spit venom. The dragonets encounter a pair of MudWings patrolling, and overhear one of them bringing up the topic of the legendary monster that lives in the rainforest. When Glory follows them she hears loud dragon screams and finds them both dead, with their throats ripped out. Sunny disappears, then both Tsunami and Clay say something has bitten them. However, Glory and Starflight are not affected. When Glory yells for anybody nearby to show themselves, several RainWings appear and address Glory. She flies with the RainWings as they make their way to the hidden Rainforest Kingdom. She arrives safely with her unconscious friends to the hidden kingdom. Once she arrives she takes a sun nap, and when she awakens there is a sloth on her sholder which she names Silver, which becomes her pet for the rest of the series. She ends up finding out that twelve RainWings had gone missing recently, and that nothing had been done to find them. A RainWing, Mangrove, says Glory should find the RainWings.

Queen Magnificent agrees and Glory is now left with the task while her friends go and try to save their guardian Webs from the SandWing venom. Clay, Starflight, and Glory head out into the forest where they find a dying sloth. Clay mercifully kills the sloth while the other two look around for whatever infected the sloth. They end up finding an animus-touched tunnel, and Glory and Clay decide to stay and investigate. They stay overnight and watch to see if anyone comes out of the tunnel. Sunny, Starflight, Tsunami, and two other RainWings come to see the tunnel. They decide to wrap vines around Clay and Glory and the two enter the cave only to find themselves in the middle of the desert near Burn's stronghold.

The two return and have a discussion with the Dragonets and Jambu, when suddenly Mangrove appears and runs through the tunnel. Glory and Jambu follow and make their way to the Ice Kingdom. They arrive in the Ice Kingdom and Glory finds an assassin named Deathbringer. He is hiding near Blaze's fortress. She disguises herself as an IceWing using the a model of an actual IceWing named Fjord and questions him for why he's there. After she questions him, Glory sneaks away, and discusses Deathbringer with her friends. Glory and Jambu enter Blaze's fortress. Glory and Jambu bring Blaze and hidden Mangrove to the group. Deathbringer then attempts to kill Blaze and one of the weapons manages to cut her throat but the second is blocked by Tsunami's wing. Glory attacks Deathbringer and attacks him with his own weapon and Deathbringer surrenders. Suddenly, the group sees IceWings coming to save Blaze. The dragonets then flee to the rainforest. Glory and Tsunami hide near the tunnel, catch Deathbringer, and tie him to a tree. After that, Glory sends Tsunami away, and decides to use herself as a bait to the "rainforest monster". She instructs Clay not to let Deathbringer talk, afraid of the assassin telling Clay where she was going. A short distance away, Glory finds some traces of venom, along with a small talonprint, and gets kidnapped by the NightWings. She gets saved by Clay, Deathbringer, and one of the lost dragonets, Kinkajou. She gets back and warns Queen Magnificent who does not care even a little bit. Because Magnificent did not want to do anything Glory challenges Magnificent to the throne. Instead of fighting for the throne in a battle to the death, the RainWings use a competition of RainWing traits to decide who becomes the new queen. Glory forms a team of her new RainWing friends, while the RainWing queens form their own team. Jambu and Queen Exquisite have a tree gliding race where Exquisite cheats and nearly gets Jambu killed. Queen Fruit Bat competes against Tamarin, a blind RainWing, in a flower finding contest. Tamarin wins due to her powerful sense of smell. Glory and Magnificent go against each other in a camouflage contest which Magnificent wins. Mangrove and Dazzling go head to head in a fruit gathering competition where Mangrove wins, and Dazzling admits to cheating but the games continue. Kinkajou and Grandeur have the final match in a venom shooting contest. The two have a good match until a sloth crawls in between the venom and nearly gets shot but gets blocked by Kinkajou's wing. She gets hit and her wing begins melting only to be saved by Glory who sprays her own venom canceling Grandeur's venom, meaning Glory and Grandeur are related. Grandeur was descended from original RainWing queens, which technically means that Glory is the rightful queen of the RainWings. Grandeur forfeits making Glory the new queen of the RainWings, but then Clay crashes into the pavilion stating that Starflight has fled to the Night Kingdom to warn the NightWings of the RainWing attack.

The Dark Secret

The fourth book in the series, published October 29, 2013, is written from the view of Starflight. The book is mostly set in the Night Kingdom. Starflight was kidnapped by NightWings while watching the tunnel with Clay. He wakes in a NightWing dormitory, surrounded by NightWing dragonets. He meets two of them, Mightyclaws and Mindreader. Starflight discovers he has a half sister, Fierceteeth. Morrowseer arrives and takes Starflight to a council meeting. Starflight realizes that the queen of the NightWings is hidden behind a screen, and speaks through her daughter, princess Greatness. The NightWings are worried that the RainWings will attack the tribe, because of Glory and Kinkajou escaping. Morrowseer takes Starflight to a forest, where the big NightWing eats a half dead giant albatross. Starflight realizes that NightWings have a special bacteria in their mouths that infects their prey, and while he said that, Morrowseer realised who Starflight's father is. Morrowseer takes Starflight to meet his father, and Starflight meets a NightWing dragonet, Fatespeaker. Starflight realizes that Fatespeaker was his replacement. Morrowseer takes them to Starflight's father, Mastermind, who is a scientist. Starflight finds Orchid, who is one of the missing RainWings. Starflight then meets the "alternate dragonets of destiny": a MudWing named Ochre, a SandWing named Viper, a SeaWing named Squid, and a SkyWing named Flame. Fatespeaker is an "alternate" too. Morrowseer orders the "alternates" to kill Starflight, but he escapes and hides in the RainWing prisons. Fatespeaker finds him and convinces him to come out of hiding. That night, he and Fatespeaker decide to explore the NightWing's fortress, where Starflight discovers an old, animus-enchanted gemstone called a Dreamvisitor. This allows him to walk into any dragon's dream, so long as he has seen them before and that dragon is asleep. He can communicate through the dreams as well. Starflight uses this to dreamvisit Queen Glory and warn her of the impending NightWing attack. The next day, Morrowseer takes the alternates and Starflight on a long flight back to the mainland, where Starflight realizes the NightWing island is way off of the northern SkyWing coast. Morrowseer forces the dragonets (except Fatespeaker) to try and convince a small outpost of SkyWings that they are the real Dragonets of Destiny and to change their alliance from Burn to Blister. It's almost worked when a group of NightWings shows up and burns the outpost down, killing all of the SkyWings inside. When Squid gets upset and starts to whine, Morrowseer sends him away alone in enemy territory. Even though Squid was mean to her, Fatespeaker is very upset about Squid's safety and she decides to find and talk to the NightWing Queen about Morrowseer's treatment of the Dragonets. That night, she and Starflight go exploring, and end up finding a secret room where a giant vat of lava is sitting on the floor, behind the screen that Starflight noticed earlier. Suddenly, a huge black dragon rises from the lava, and turns out to be Queen Battlewinner of the NightWings. She was blasted down her throat by an IceWing with freezing death breath, so she had to live in the lava in order to counteract the ice taking over her body. She laughs at the dragonets and tells them Morrowseer can do whatever he wants. A few nights later, Flame snuck out of the dorm, so Fatespeaker and Starflight followed him. He went all the way down to the dungeons, where he conversed with Deathbringer about becoming an assassin. The next morning, Morrowseer took the dragonets out for battle training. Flame and Fatespeaker were paired up to fight. When it wasn't going well for Fatespeaker, Viper was thrown in to help Flame kill her. Starflight found this unfair, so he jumped in to help Fatespeaker. Somehow during the battle, Viper was thrown into a lava pit, where she died. Before she fell entirely in, however, she managed to scratch Flame with her venomous tail. Morrowseer was extremely upset, as Flame was the only SkyWing dragonet the Talons of Peace had. Starflight realizes this is his chance to escape. He uses Flame's injury as an excuse to go into the rainforest with Fatespeaker and then "through the other tunnel to the desert", where the antidote to SandWing venom was found. He never went through the second tunnel, however, but took Flame to the healer's hut in the rainforest because they also had the antidote. He was able to warn Queen Glory and talk to all of his friends, and they formulated a plan to attack to NightWing island. The RainWings used their camouflage scales to sneak on to the island by the tunnels, and they used sleeping darts to tranquilize any NightWings they came across. They freed all of the captives when the volcano on the island started to erupt. Glory offered the NightWings a deal: accept her as their queen and they could pass through the tunnel and live in the rainforest. If they didn't, she made them fly off to the continent to fend for themselves. Right as the last dragons are heading into the rainforest, Morrowseer appears and confronts the original five Dragonets of Destiny. He tells them that the prophecy was a lie made up by the NightWings in order to be able to find themselves a new home. Sunny is very distraught and flees into the rainforest. Then, the volcano erupts entirely and fills the tunnel with fire. Morrowseer is killed, and Clay was able to protect the dragonets from the brunt of the fire. However, Starflight was pretty badly burned, and ended up being blind.

The Brightest Night

The fifth book in the series, and the last of the first arc, published March 25, 2014. It is written from the view of Sunny. Following the events of ''The Dark Secret'', the NightWings have submitted to Glory's leadership and are residing in the rainforest alongside RainWings. Sunny is captured by NightWings but she escapes her captors and follows them as they head to the Scorpion Den, a large town surrounding a desert oasis, where they plan to sell information to Thorn, the leader of the Outclaws, a gang of criminal SandWings who guard the oasis. Thorn kills one of the Nightwings who had captured Sunny and has the other two imprisoned. She questions Sunny about the NightWings, and repeatedly asks if she is "here for the reward". Sunny denies all knowledge of a reward, and tells Thorn about her life growing up under the Talons. Thorn puts the puzzle together, and figures out that Sunny is her daughter. She is distracted by a dragonbite viper, which is the only snake that could kill a dragon. Sunny falls asleep, but when she wakes up, Thorn is throwing a party for her. However, as she exits the tent, Sunny is captured again and taken to Queen Burn with hopes of a reward for the funny-looking dragonet.

At the stronghold, Sunny meets Smolder, Burn's brother. He is nice to her and shows her his pet scavenger, aka a human. However, Smolder tells Sunny he has to keep her locked up until Burn gets back, and he puts her in Burn's "weirdling tower", which is filled with all sorts of disturbing dragon parts and creatures. Also being held captive in the tower is ex-Queen Scarlet, who's throne has been overtaken by her daughter, Ruby. The next day, Smolder takes Sunny out of the tower and down to the treasury rooms. He asks her to help him solve the mystery of how three scavengers emptied four rooms filled with treasure, and got away with only two horses at full gallop. Before Sunny can explain her theory, an attack was launched on the Stronghold. Sunny flies up to a tower to see what's happening, and it turns out Thorn came to rescue Sunny after finding out what happened. Sunny can't think of any way to stop the fighting, until she sees someone wriggling out of the sand. It's Peril, who came to rescue Scarlet. Sunny intercepts Peril at the Tower door and explains her situation. Peril agrees to help, so long as Sunny won't interfere with her rescuing Scarlet. Peril stops the fighting and rescues Scarlet. Thorn meets Smolder, who tells him that he has something for her. He takes Thorn and Sunny down to the library, which is in shambles. He starts looking for an old letter labeled "Thorn" when he gets the news that Burn is on her way back. He locks Sunny and Burn in the library with no way out. Sunny uses her fire to burn a careful hold in the door, and Thorn finds the letter for her. It's from Sunny's dad, Stonemover, and says that he's waiting for Thorn at Jade Mountain. Sunny learns about her dad, who is a NightWing, and she and her mother escape. Sunny decides to fly back to her friends and warn them that Scarlet is free. On her way, she stops at Jade Mountain and finds her father. She stays the night, and makes it back to the Rainforest where she is welcomed with open wings.

She tells her story to her friends, and they devise a plan to end the war even though the prophecy isn't real. They contact all three of the SandWing heirs and tell them to meet at Burn's stronghold at midnight, or they forfeit their chance to be queen. When the day arrives, everyone is there. Dragons from all across Pyrriah gathered to see what would happen. Blister asks her sister, Burn, if she got her present. Burn says yes, opens the lid, and snatches the contents out. It's a dragonbite viper. Blister only laughs, and says that's there's two. Then, Burm is bitten and killed by the second viper, and she drops the first one. It bites Clay on the hind leg when he tried to push everyone else out of the viper's way. Peril is there, and she starts to burn the poison out of his leg. He healed due to his fireproof scales, but he will walk with a limp for the rest of his life. Blister then challenges Blaze to a duel, and they begin to fight. Smolder's pet scavenger shows Sunny a spot by Queen Oasis's grave and begins to dig. They uncover Oasis's skeleton, and in her mouth is the Obsidian Eye, which makes any SandWing holding it the queen, as long as it is the right dragon. Blaze and Blister stop fighting, and Blister tells Sunny to give her the Eye. Sunny refuses, and gives it to Thorn instead. When Blister grabs it out of Thorn's hand, the Eye electrocutes Blister and turns her to ash. This fulfills the false prophecy anyway, and Thorn is made queen.

In the epilogue, the five Dragonets are on top of Jade Mountain, talking about a good site to build a school to teach dragonets of all tribes.

Arc 2: The Jade Mountain Prophecy

Moon Rising

The sixth book in the series, and the first of the second arc published December 30, 2014. It is written from the view of Moonwatcher. Moonwatcher is a young NightWing dragonet who lived in the rainforest when all the other NightWings had lived on the volcanic island. In the first chapter, her mother takes her to a new-found academy which had been created by the Dragonets of Destiny, who have plans to bring ever-lasting peace to all the kingdoms of Pyrrhia. Yet Moon has powers that had been thought to only be myths or forgotten. The old NightWing powers of mind-reading, and seeing the future. She feels as if she doesn't fit in inside the new school, nervous that dragons won't like her. She wants to go home. Then she meets her winglet, two dragons who seem to be very aware of her. A cold, mysterious IceWing named Winter, and a warm, smart, funny SandWing named Qibli. Yet there is one strange thing that Moonwatcher can't understand. She's hearing another voice inside her head, one that was likely to be another mind-reader. She has ideas, yet she wants to find out who is speaking with her. Then she sees a vision of a bomb going off, and tries to stop her friends from going in there. They are all confused by her panic and her worry that they are unsure what to do. Winter suspects her that since she had known about the explosion, she had been the one who did it. Yet she had kept all her secrets inside, not telling anyone to remain safe. But if she doesn't tell them, she would lose friends. But if she did, they wouldn't believe her. Winter tells her that she has 24 hours before he tells all the Academy what he accuses her of doing. Not only are there things happening in her head, but inside the Jade Mountain Academy as well. Someone tried to kill an IceWing named Icicle, who is Winter's sister. Moon keeps seeing visions of Jade Mountain falling and dragons dying. At first, she just happily wished she could leave Jade Mountain and return to the rainforest with her mother. A week later, it's all changed. She, along with her new-found friends, must do something in order to save Jade Mountain Academy.

Winter Turning

The seventh book in the series, published June 30, 2015, is written from the view of Winter.

Escaping Peril

The eighth book in the series, published December 29, 2015, is written from the view of Peril.

Talons of Power

The ninth book in the series, published December 27, 2016, is written from the view of Turtle.

Darkness of Dragons

The tenth book in the series and the last of the second arc was published July 25, 2017, is written from the view of Qibli. It is mostly set in the Sand Kingdom, the Night Kingdom, and Jade Academy. The story takes place directly after Turtle leaves in "Talons of Power". Moonwatcher, Turtle, Princess Anemone, and a large group of Nightwings leave Jade Academy and follow Darkstalker, much to Qibli's confusion. Qibli notices that despite Darkstalker's lack of knowledge about the location of the Night Kingdom the dragons still follow Darkstalker's leadership. Later Qibli has a flashback to his childhood where he lived with his abusive mother, Cobra, and his two siblings, Rattlesnake and Sirocco.

Arc 3: The Lost Continent Prophecy

The Lost Continent

The eleventh book in the series will be published June 26, 2018. Tui recently revealed that the protagonist of The Lost Continent will be a SilkWing called Blue, one of three new species unique to the lost continent of Pantala.

Maps Wings of Fire (book series)


Source of the article : Wikipedia
